Imagine that in each key city there is a worship center where the Gospel movement is ringing out. Communities of faith, hope and love are emanating and spreading out from each center and infiltrating the various social sectors around the area. These communities gather together monthly as a big group and also weekly in smaller groups. They gather at the center every Sunday for corporate worship and prayer and to learn God’s word together. They gather as communities for fellowship and for outreach in various places. They gather in smaller groups in homes, schools and offices, to encourage one another and to hold each other accountable as they follow Jesus together. Each community experiences an upward movement toward God, an inward movement toward one another, and an outward movement toward the lost. Imagine if several centers who are close to each other come together for worship and celebration once every six months to celebrate the goodness and greatness of God. Imagine if this was happening around the world. Imagine if this is what Real Life Christian Communities is all about. Imagine that.