Power To Be Free!
1 Therefore, there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus, 2 because through Christ Jesus the law of the Spirit who gives life has set you free from the law of sin and death. (Romans 8:1-2)
In our original condition, sin reigns. Though we may try to change, sin still prevails and we are defeated. Every time! We try to exercise our will to make changes in our lives, in the hope that we can become better people, but we always end up doing the very things we know we shouldn’t do. It’s like our body has its own thinking system. Yes, it does! It’s called habits. Bad habits. Habits will determine our behavior each time. It’s the law of sin and death. Though we try our best to change it, sin still wins the game. We can’t think logically or focus our minds on what is right, because we have desires that seem to overpower us from within. Sin power eats our will power for breakfast! Our emotions are also out of control because sin controls us. Our bodies slowly deteriorate because we keep on doing the very things that will eventually destroy it. Sin destroys! Sin reigns!
But thanks be to God, because through Jesus Christ we can be set free from that endless cycle of bad and evil habits, which only results in death. God can set us free through the resurrection power of Jesus Christ, giving us the power for the first time to choose what is good and to actually do it by God’s grace. What is impossible before is now possible through Christ. We become new creatures! We become super-conquerors over sin and death through Him who loves us and empowers us each day. The Holy Spirit will enable us to live godly lives, and we will reap spiritual blessings as a result. Thanks be to God! This is what it means to be in Christ: it means power! It means life! In Christ, we can now truly live a life that is so much better than the best life we can ever imagine. Shalom! (PB)