One Mediator
For there is one God and one mediator between God and mankind, the man Christ Jesus, who gave himself as a ransom for all people. This has now been witnessed to at the proper time. (1 Timothy 2:5-6)
A mediator presupposes two things. First, it presupposes a conflict. Second, it presupposes a desire for peace. Man has rebelled against God, refusing to be under His rule and reign. This requires justice. But God desires peace. So He sends His only begotten Son, so that there may be a way to find justice as well as peace. Through Jesus, and especially through His death on the cross, justice is served. The penalty for our rebellion is satisfied. But also through that same act, peace is offered. It is offered to everyone regardless of who they are or what they have done. Jesus, who is both truly God and truly man, acts as the go-between two parties, God and man. There is no other person who has the right or the ability to fulfill that role. This is good news for us! For we know that through Jesus, God Himself is extending His hand of friendship with us. At the same time, mankind is well represented by the perfect man who ever lived, Jesus Christ. He is truly the Son of Man, and He alone has the right to represent us before God. What a powerful mediator we have in Christ Jesus!
Trying to represent yourself before God is futile. Trying to argue your case before God is doomed to fail, for you are not capable of standing before God in your own right. This is why we never experience peace by simply trying to be good. No matter how hard we try, we still fail. God loves us, but He cannot close His eyes to our sin, for He is holy. Our punishment, which the Bible says is death (which is more than just ceasing to breathe), is just. We deserve it. But Jesus took our place and died for our sins. Thus He satisfied once and for all the justice of God. So now, through Him, we can have a relationship with God. We can have peace with God. Today, quit trying and quit striving. Accept the grace that God gives you through His Son. Rejoice in the forgiveness that is found in Jesus alone. Enter His gates with thanksgiving in your heart, for you now accepted by God through faith in His Son. Praise Him with all your heart! What a wonderful mediator we have in Christ Jesus! Shalom! (PB)