Have Faith
Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see.”Hebrews 11:1 NIV
There will always be two sides to biblical faith: “the faith” and “faith”. The former is the objective aspect of faith, meaning what we believe in. This is what we hope for and what we do not (necessarily) see (yet), but we know it is true nonetheless. Reality and truth are related but they are not the same. Reality is what can be seen, heard, or felt. Truth is objective, i.e. it is true whether we see, hear or feel it or not. Eventually truth will become a reality according to God’s will and timetable. But truth is not dependent on reality. What we believe, if it is based on truth, will be proven by actual things, whether sooner or later. But even if there is no physical evidence yet, even though we don’t see it yet, even though it may feel unreal for now — truth will always be the truth. It is based on God’s revelation, therefore heaven and earth will pass away but it will never pass away. The faith that we have must be based on truth or else there’s no sense putting faith in it. Once it has been established as truth, then we need to put our confidence and assurance in it. We need to make the choice. Objective truth is not in our power to create or choose. It is simply revealed through God’s word and by the Holy Spirit. But faith or personal trust in God’s truth, i.e. our “confidence” and “assurance” in it, is our choice. Whether we will think, feel, or act in accordance with God’s truth or not is also our choice. Once we make that choice we exercise biblical faith. So faith is “the faith” (what we hope for and what we may not see yet) and also “our faith” (our confidence and assurance in it in spite of the realities we see, hear or feel). Have both.