Confidence in Prayer


Reflecting on my youthful participation in a pageant, I marvel at my newfound confidence. This realization prompts me to consider the source of our confidence, particularly in prayer. As 1 John 5:14-21 reveals, our prayer life can be infused with boldness because of our relationship with God through Jesus Christ. The passage assures us that God listens when we pray in faith, embracing our requests and granting us peace. Our confidence in prayer, therefore, stems from our intimate connection with God. This passage challenges us to approach prayer with assurance, knowing that our faith in Christ empowers us to make confident petitions before the throne of grace.

Why can we only be confident in prayer through Christ?

Three Reasons:

1. God hears and receives our prayers (1 John 5:14-15).

In 1 John 5:14-15, we find comfort in knowing God hears our prayers. This assures us we can approach Him confidently, trusting He receives our petitions according to His will.

 2. Our prayer for others is effective (1 John 5:16-17; James 5:15-16).

Our prayer for others can cause restoration and reconciliation with our dear brother or sister that sins.

3. Prayer brings us closer to God and helps us persevere, especially when we experience His protection.

Prayer strengthens us by bringing us closer to God. Knowing He protects us gives us the courage to keep going, even when things are tough.


1. Only through Christ can we be confident in prayer.

2. Let’s be confident in our prayer because in Christ, we are called children of God. Therefore, we can call God as “Abba” Father.

3. Practice praying confidently.


1. Why do you think having a relationship with God through Christ makes such a difference in our prayer lives?

2. Can you think of a time when prayer for someone else made a difference in their life, or in yours?

3. How does knowing God protects us through faith in Christ impact your confidence and perseverance when facing challenges?

4. We discussed the idea that prayer strengthens our connection with God, which can help us persevere.  In your experience, how does prayer help you navigate difficult times?

5. Considering the concept of confident prayer through Christ, is there anything you’d like to change about your own prayer habits?

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