Experiencing Peace Again
Problems are normal this side of heaven. They are of many kinds. Failures of all sorts happen to us or, as often, we cause them — either intentionally or inadvertently. Trials and testings that affect our souls are common to everybody. Nobody is exempted from such negative experiences. But what is not common is peace, the kind that passes all understanding, the kind that remains in the midst of problems, failures, trials, testings and, yes, even tribulations. Such peace is not stolen by anyone or affected by anything. It is a gift from God. It remains. The basis of such peace is the Gospel of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
Whenever peace is not present, it is surely because the Gospel is no longer front and center of our minds, or maybe we just don’t understand it yet. Or maybe we’re just distracted. Come back to your senses! Return to the Gospel and you will experience His peace again.