This is a very important question. It’s also a very personal question, especially for some of us during this pandemic.
It’s also a very difficult question. We don’t know the mind of God, and we should not assume that we know all the reasons why certain things happen in this world.
It’s also difficult because we don’t have too many examples of people in the Bible who prayed but did not receive healing.
Nevertheless, we need answers. We need biblical answers.
As we explore the Scriptures, we see only three reasons why our prayer for healing may not be answered.
God is sovereign (Ecclesiastes 3:1-2; Psalm 139:16; Psalm 90:3-6, 10; James 4:14) – God knows when it is time for anyone to go. He has ordained the number of days of our lives. We may do everything we can to extend it, but only God has the final say. We can pray all we want, but God decides when it’s time to leave this earth. This means we have to be wise in the way we live. We only have one life to live, and we do not know when it will end. Therefore, we must redeem every opportunity, while we are still alive, to fulfill God’s purpose. Wasting our lives is foolish.
God is holy (2 Samuel 12:13-23; James 5:13-16) – This is difficult to talk about, but it’s necessary. One of the reasons why God may not hear our prayer for healing is because God has already pronounced judgment on sin. The consequence of sin is death, and sometimes people don’t take that seriously. God is holy and He will not be mocked. Some people die early because they refuse to repent. Now, we do not know when this may be the case and we must be careful. Not everyone who is ill has sinned, and not everyone who has sinned gets ill. The best thing we can do is reach out to people who are living in sin to save them.
God is all-knowing (John 21:18-22; Romans 8:28, 37-39) – We do not know everything. What may seem to be a negative thing (for example, illness or even death) may prove to be a positive thing later on. In other words, only God knows what is best in every situation. He knows the beginning and the end. We may experience unanswered prayer for healing now, and we may feel let down, but later on, we might see that it was really for good. God works out everything for the good of His people.
Truth: “God truly heals but not always.”
Always trust God and pray to Him because He is our healer.
If healing doesn’t come, ask God for strength to endure so we can glorify Him no matter what.
Discussion Questions
Why is it difficult when God does not answer our prayer for healing?
How can we overcome our doubts when this happens?
How will you apply this truth in your life and ministry to others?