What if I’m not sick? (Part 4 of Healing series)
Most of us would naturally think of Jesus when we are sick. But what if we are not sick? Most people will have no interest in Jesus and His call for discipleship if everything is going well. But once they get sick, they suddenly change. At the same time, once they get healed, they go back to the same mindset. Why? I believe it’s because a lot of people do not understand the mission and ministry of Jesus. They think Jesus came simply to heal people from sickness. But this is not so. We can see three pieces of evidence from the Gospel of Matthew.
- Jesus came to preach the kingdom of God. (Matthew 4:23-25; 9:35) – Even though Jesus healed a lot of people, his priority was to preach the kingdom of God. We can see this both from the summary statements in Matthew 4:23-25 and 9:35 as well as the actual events that happened in-between (i.e. The Sermon on the Mount on chapters 5 to 7, etc.). In other words, he wanted people to know about the kingdom of God so that they can enter it by faith and experience eternal life.
- Jesus came to call people to radical discipleship. (Matthew 8:14-22) – In the midst of all his healings, Jesus kept calling people to radical discipleship. He simply didn’t want people to experience the benefits of physical healing and then walk away. He wanted them to count the cost, trust him completely, and then follow him as his true disciples.
- Jesus came to heal people from their true sickness. (Matthew 9:9-13,36-38) – Not everyone who Jesus encountered was sick physically. But all of them were sick spiritually. He knew the true condition of human hearts. They may appear healthy on the outside, but Jesus knew that each one is harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd. He wanted to heal people from their true sickness which is of the heart.
- Jesus came to heal totally not just physically.
- Don’t just trust Jesus for physical healing but for everything.
- Follow Jesus even if you are not sick (or in need).
- Tell others about Jesus even if they look healthy on the outside.
- Why do we need to know that Jesus came to heal totally not just physically?
- Which of the three pieces of evidence impacted you the most and why?
- How will you apply this in your life and ministry right now?