Together We Are Better
- We are commanded by the Lord Jesus to proclaim the Gospel and make disciples of all nations (Matthew 28:19-20).
- This is a challenging task, now more than ever, because of the pandemic.
- But together we can do this. In fact, together we are better at doing this than ever before because the Lord is with us.
- However, when our hearts and minds (and bodies) are divided, we will not succeed. We can only be stronger together if we serve the Lord together. Together we are better!
- Paul talks about this idea in Philippians 2:14-18. There will be encouraging results when Christ-followers serve together as one in fulfilling the Great Commission.
1. Our credibility will be strengthened (vv.14-15a).
14 Do everything without grumbling or arguing, 15 so that you may become blameless and pure, “children of God without fault in a warped and crooked generation.”
When we unite together as one, helping each other and strengthening each other, our lives will become more honoring to the Lord. We will be blameless and pure, as the Lord continues to work in us through the Holy Spirit. Because of the love that we show each other, people will see that we are children of God. Our credibility will increase as people see the kind of relationships that we have with each other. People are attracted to healthy communities whose members show true integrity in the way they live and love each other.
2. Our proclamation will be effective (vv.15b-16).
15b Then you will shine among them like stars in the sky 16 as you hold firmly to the word of life. And then I will be able to boast on the day of Christ that I did not run or labor in vain.
We preach the word of God not just through sermons or preaching. We preach it by our actions and good works. We walk our talk, in other words. People will not be attracted by our pretty words. All the Bible studies that we do will be ineffective if people do not see that we truly live, love, and lead according to God’s word. Our actions will either make us attractive, like stars in the sky or, unattractive, like a dark sky with no stars at all. The proof of our faith is seen in the way we are responding to this pandemic.
3. Our ministries will be multiplied (vv.17-18).
17 But even if I am being poured out like a drink offering on the sacrifice and service coming from your faith, I am glad and rejoice with all of you. 18 So you too should be glad and rejoice with me.
The goal of our discipleship is to produce good fruit. The reason why we are learning about spiritual disciplines is so that we can live closely with the Lord, walking according to His will, and thereby bearing fruit for His glory. We can do this when we are united together in serving the Lord. Our ministries will multiply because the different gifts in the body will be unleashed for God’s glory. Everybody now can serve the Lord, especially through technology. The world is open and the harvest is ripe! We can now reach people beyond the four walls of the church.
Turning Point: “Together we are better!”
- How does divisiveness and disunity (i.e. each one doing his or her own thing apart from others) affect our effectiveness in fulfilling the Great Commission?
- Why is it important to serve the Lord together as one people of God? What are the positive things that can result, aside from what was already mentioned in the sermon?
- What is God telling you to do from now on as part of your obedient response to God’s word in this series?
Please take the time to pray for one another. This is important. Thanks!
If you want to really grow in your faith, take some time to personally reflect on what you have learned today. Click this link to submit your personal reflection. We can also send you a copy of this if you wish. Just let us know your email. Thanks!