Throwback of Our History
Yes, it is our 25th anniversary! As we remember what has happened to us so far over the past 25 years, it is good to thank God for His grace. We have so many fond memories. But we also have not-so-good memories, events, and experiences, that we may want to forget rather than remember. Can we still give thanks even though they are not so good? How? Let’s remember four things as we look back to our history.
Four Things to Remember
- Remember God’s past miracles. (Psalm 77:11-12) – God has done so many wonderful miracles over the past 25 years! Let us rejoice and give thanks to God. Can you remember some of them?
- Remember God’s past lessons. (Deuteronomy 8:2-5) – We have learned a lot. God has taught us so many lessons that have helped us to trust Him more.
- Remember God’s past assignments. (1 Corinthians 3:5-9) – We were able to do what God has assigned us to do, nothing more and nothing less. We can trust God for those assignments. He knows the big picture.
- Remember God’s past promises. (Ephesians 1:9-10; Revelation 21:1-4) – God has given us His great and precious promises. Some of them may seem to be unfulfilled. But in reality, we are just in the transition period. God will eventually fulfill them by His grace and mercy.
- Central Idea: “Remembering God’s grace in our history makes us thankful and ready!”
- Regardless of what happened in our past, whether good or bad, we can always give thanks to God for His grace and mercy.
- Let us have an attitude of thanksgiving this whole month as we remember our past so far.
- What are your most memorable experiences in RLCC? Which ones are good? Which ones are not so good?
- How can you be thankful to God for each of these memories regardless of their nature?
- What have you learned about being thankful to God in all circumstances?