The Newness and Freshness of God’s Grace
God has done a lot of wonderful things in our past. We are so thankful for that. But God is not just about our history. His grace is also new every morning. No matter how complicated yesterday was, today is always a new day. When the sun rises, it signals a new beginning and an opportunity to experience the newness and freshness of God’s grace.
Let us reflect on this.
- God creates something new out of darkness (Genesis 1:1-2) – In the midst of chaos and darkness, God shines forth His light, and the world is created.
- God creates something new out of judgment (Genesis 9:12-13) – In the midst of sin and judgment, God shows His kindness and grace by creating a new rainbow.
- God creates something new out of barrenness (Genesis 12:1-3, cf. 11:30) – For a couple who had no chance of having their own family, God creates a new nation.
- God creates something new out of insignificance (Exodus 12:1-2) – Living in slavery all their lives, God gives a nation a new beginning and a new identity as the people of God.
- God creates something new out of hopelessness (Isaiah 9:6-7) – Exiled and hopeless, God gives His people hope by promising them the Messiah.
- God creates something new out of impossibility (Luke 1:34-37) – A young inexperienced teenager gets to experience an astounding and impossible miracle, to be the mother of our Savior!
- God creates something new out of sinfulness (2 Corinthians 5:17) – Sinful people are now given the chance to become new in their nature, character, and purpose through the power of the Holy Spirit.
- God creates something new out of suffering and death (Revelation 21:1-5) – The end becomes a new beginning where a new universe is created to become the dwelling place of God and mankind where there will be no more pain, suffering, and death.
- Central Idea: “God is always the Source of newness and freshness.”
- Waking up each new day signals for us a new experience of God’s grace and mercy.
- Welcome each day with anticipation!
- Why is it important to remember that God is always the Source of newness and freshness?
- What would happen if you start each new day with anticipation?
- How will you practically apply this starting tomorrow?