Spiritual Adulting
Why is it that some of us are bored? We are barely holding on to each day, hoping we will survive every working day, doing what we can to make our lives a little more interesting every now and then. Sometimes life can be exciting but only for a short while. Soon the realities will come rushing back into our minds and hearts discouraging and boring us once again. “What’s the use?” we say to ourselves. “Nothing will change.” How can we overcome this perennial doubt in our hearts? It’s time for us to become dreamers and doers, not doubters! The key is to have the right view of God. There are Five Possible Views of God that affect how we live our lives and only one of them is right.
Five Possible Views of God
- God the Watchmaker. (Acts 17:24-28) – Some people think that God created the universe and then just left it to take care of itself. In other words, we are on our own. We just have to figure out what to do. But whatever we choose to do, God won’t care.
- God the Puppet Master. (Genesis 2:15-17; 3:6-7) In this view, we really can’t make real choices. God calls the shots from heaven. So whatever it is He wants us to do, we will just end up doing it. We cannot resist Him.
- God the Grandfather. (Psalm 51:3-6, 16-17) God is so nice and kindhearted. He won’t really punish anyone or send anyone to hell. He is too good for that. Whatever we want to do, He will just let us do it. If we make mistakes, He will take care of them so that in the end everything will just be alright.
- God the Disciplinarian. (Romans 3:21-26) God is so strict that He won’t let you make any mistakes. You have to follow His rules or else. Don’t do anything on your own or you might mess up His perfect plan. With this view, you’ll be afraid to try anything.
- God the Healthy Parent. (Ephesians 4:14-16; Philippians 1:9-11) We are God’s children. But He does not want us to remain immature. He wants us to grow up. He wants us to know His heart and to do things by faith. He honors our boldness in seeking to please Him in every way. Of course, we rely on Him to guide us and empower us. But we have to make our own choices.
- Central Idea: “God wants us to become mature adults in Christ.”
- Let’s not remain immature waiting for God to tell us what to do.
- This week, start dreaming and doing rather than doubting.
- Be honest. What is your real view of God?
- How does it affect the way you live your life?
- What would it mean for you to see God as a healthy parent wanting you to become mature?