Seeing God’s Dream for You
Having the correct view of God and success are foundational matters. They prepare you to be a dreamer and a doer. But you cannot be an ordinary dreamer. You cannot just dream about anything and then do it yourself. You need to see God’s dream for you and pursue it by faith. It is a gift from God. Therefore, it is by grace from beginning to end. Sometimes, God’s dream will come to you instantaneously, and it will be crystal clear. You will have no doubts about it. All you have to do is obey the Lord. But, most of the time, you need discernment. It will take some time before it becomes clear. Even then, it will still be by faith. You must trust God as you pursue His dream for you. But how can you see God’s dream for you?
Four Steps
- Grow in the knowledge of God. (Colossians 1:9-14) – You need openness, willingness, and courage to discern the dream that God has for you. But you also need to know God and His ways. If you are not knowledgeable of His will, you can easily be deceived.
- Be aware of what’s happening around you. (Acts 17:22-23; 29-31) – You need to ground yourself in reality. You cannot just focus on your own concerns, unaware of what’s going on around you. You need to see what God sees in the world so that He can use you to bring salvation to others.
- Feel the burden that God inspires. (Acts 18:5-6; 9-11) – This is God’s gift to you. He wants to share His heart and burden with you. Together with Him, and by His power, He wants you to be motivated from the inside (i.e., from your heart) to fulfill the dream that He wants you to fulfill willingly.
- Pursue the dream that God empowers you to do. (Romans 15:17-21) – He wants to empower you to be His instrument of grace and to be His representative so that the world may know that God loves them. His Spirit will guide you and enable you to do what you cannot do by yourself. This alone will bring Him glory.
- Central Idea: “God wants us to fulfill His dream for us.”
- You have a choice: Fulfill your dream or God’s dream for you.
- Pray and discern God’s dream for you starting today.
- Why is it important to discern and pursue God’s dream for us?
- What would it take for you to discern and pursue God’s dream for you?
- How would you apply this message starting today?