Saved to Lead
Leadership is all about managing one’s credibility to influence others for the common good to the glory of God. We are all uniquely placed by God in various places to influence others. We are all saved to lead. Therefore, all of us have the potential to practice leadership. Unfortunately, not all of us are doing this right now. As a result, we’re not doing the good works we’re supposed to be doing to glorify God. The reason for this is simple: Most of us think that leadership is a position or a title. No wonder many of us don’t want to become leaders at all.
Four Aspects of Leadership
- We need to create and manage our positive credibility. (1 Timothy 4:12-16) Credibility is how others see you, whether it’s positive or negative, and whether it’s true or not. Influencing others requires positive credibility, not negative credibility. If they see you as a person who has positive credibility, they will allow you to influence them. If not, they will close their hearts toward you. You cannot influence them.
- We need to use our positive credibility to influence others. (2 Timothy 2:20-26) Positive credibility is the leverage we use to influence others. We are not after mere popularity or false impressions. People who do that are not true leaders. Gaining positive credibility is a means to an end. We want to use that to influence others effectively.
- We need to influence others for the common good. (Titus 2:11-14; Colossians 1:9-10) We don’t want to influence people toward what is evil. Instead, we want to influence them toward what is good. In addition, we want to influence them toward what is the common good for many people, not just a few. We are not simply interested in catering to the whims of some friends.
- We need to aim for the common good that glorifies God. (2 Thessalonians 1:11-12; Colossians 3:17) The common good that we want to aspire for is not any ordinary good thing but the good thing that would glorify God. In other words, we want His character and power to be revealed. We want His name glorified, not us. In the end, we want people to give glory to God for the good thing that He has enabled us to do.
- Central Idea: “We are all saved to lead.”
- Who you are and wherever you are, God is calling you to influence those around you.
- Create, manage, and use your positive credibility to influence others for the common good to the glory of God.
- Why are so many Christians not practicing leadership for God’s glory where they are?
- What would it take for Christians to influence others for the common good?
- How would you assess yourself as a leader? (reluctant – 1…3…5 – ready)