Love is Tough
It’s not easy to love people the way Jesus loves. Especially if it’s an enemy that we’re trying to love.
But Jesus showed us by His example that this can be done, if we put His yoke upon us. What does it really mean?
His yoke is of course the kingdom of God — the reign and rule of God in all the earth. God’s purpose is to put everything under His feet through His Son Jesus. The result will be true shalom or peace on earth.
So by joining Jesus in His desire to bring God’s rule on earth, as it is in heaven, we participate in something bigger than ourselves. So loving our enemies does make sense, for God Himself is loving His enemies, i.e. sinful mankind. He wants to reconcile the world to God. We should do the same through our actions.
Let us take His yoke upon us by pursuing peace with others, even with our enemies. Let us love our enemies, not by our own strength, of course, but through His resurrection power working in and through us by His Holy Spirit. After all, He said that His yoke is easy and His burden is light. Nothing is impossible with God. Let’s do it!