Learning How To Pray
Grace is just a prayer away! This is so true. Yet, many Christians fail to experience grace because they fail to pray. But how can we pray when we are so busy? How do we overcome our busyness? Well, we need God’s grace to overcome our busyness! So, we’re caught in this perpetual cycle of constantly trying and constantly failing to pray. What is the solution? The solution is to learn how to pray as Jesus and the apostles did. Through their example, we can see three ways that they prayed, which we can also imitate.
Three Ways to Pray
- They prayed using their own words. (Matthew 11:25-26; Acts 1:24-26; Phil 1:3-6; Ephesians 3:14-19) – It’s quite obvious that Jesus and His followers prayed using their own words. This is the most natural way for any and most of us to pray. It’s also interesting that the followers of Jesus, like the apostle Paul, actually wrote their prayers. Many others through the centuries have done the same. So, have you considered praying using your own words and then writing them down in a journal? Try it!
- They prayed using the words of others. (Luke 2:41-42; Luke 4:16; Acts 4:23-25; Matthew 6:5-9) – Jesus and His followers were Jews. They grew up in a culture where prayer is always part of their daily lives. Most Jews prayed three times a day. Most likely Jesus and His followers did the same. Also, they always prayed using the words of Scripture. Jesus also taught His followers to pray the Lord’s Prayer. There’s nothing wrong with praying using other people’s words and not our own. Try it!
- They prayed using no words at all. (1 Kings 19:9,12-13; Luke 6:12; Acts 1:13-14; 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18) – The amazing thing is that Jesus and His followers most probably prayed without using words! They simply meditated and contemplated on the word of God or just the presence of God. The Old Testament has many examples of this (for example Psalm 1). We can assume this because how else can they pray the whole night or constantly? No one can talk the whole night. Not even Jesus. In other words, there is no need for words when you are just enjoying God’s presence or His creation. Try praying without words this week.
- Central Idea: “When you know how you can always pray.”
- Prayer should not depend on your moods, feelings, or circumstances.
- Try praying using the Psalms, the Lord’s Prayer, or just be silent in God’s presence.
- Why is it important to regularly pray?
- Which of the three ways of praying would you like to try? Why?
- What has changed in your attitude about prayer because of this sermon?