Immersed in the Scriptures
Do you feel that you are not growing spiritually? Is your heart restless, worried, or anxious? Are you having all kinds of relational problems at home or at work? Are you barely just holding on to each day hoping that you will survive until the weekend? Do you have a hard time sleeping? Does your idea of rest mean you have to go to a faraway beach just to chill out and forget all your problems? Are you over-eating, playing too many games, or binge-watching too many Netflix movies or K-dramas? If any of these statements are true of you, you’re probably grace-deficient. One of the ways we can receive grace is by immersing ourselves in the Holy Scriptures. But how do we do that?
Four Ways
- Read it purposely. (2 Timothy 3:14-17) – Reading is the most basic step toward immersing yourself in the Scriptures. Unfortunately, those who are just beginning their Christian lives often struggle with it. Sometimes, even those who have been Christians for a long time also struggle with it. Being a beginner has nothing to do with the length of time that a person is following Christ. Beginners find it hard to find the time to read, just like the other disciplines of the Christian life like prayer. That’s why this is called the Beginner Stage.
- Meditate on it privately. (Psalm 1:1-3) – If you persevere with reading, there will come a time when you will find it easier to read God’s word on a regular basis. When that time comes, you may be ready to meditate. Meditation is going over a passage several times until you have some basic understanding of what it says. You may not understand all the details but you have a general comprehension of what it means. Often, this will give you a feeling of satisfaction because you’re getting something out of your reading. This is the Novice Stage.
- Study it correctly. (2 Timothy 2:15; 2 Peter 3:15-16) – There will come a time when reading and meditating may not satisfy you anymore. You would long for more depth. This is the time when you may need some equipping in studying the Scriptures. You may need to learn how to analyze and synthesize a passage until you are able to understand all the details. This is usually an exciting time because you will see wonderful truths in the Scriptures that formerly you did not see. This is the Apprentice Stage.
- Apply it personally. (Matthew 13:11-17) – It is tempting to stay at the apprentice stage, appreciating all the nuances of a passage. But the Lord doesn’t want us to be filled with head knowledge alone. He wants to transform our lives. To do this, He invites us to put ourselves inside the Scriptures using our imagination. He wants us to see, hear, and feel the word of God. He wants us to experience, taste, and see God’s word and be transformed by it personally. This is the Advanced Beginner Stage.
- Central Idea – “To be strong spiritually, God’s word must dwell in you richly.“
- Immersing yourself in God’s word is the key to spiritual growth and fruitfulness.
- Practice the four ways of immersing yourself in the Scriptures starting this week.
- What is the cost of immersing yourself in the Scriptures on a regular basis?
- How would you overcome that cost?
- What would be your first step?
- Who can hold you accountable?