Having a Heart for God
Recently, the church has been shaken by several scandals. From church leaders who commit immoral acts to well-known Christian artists who turn their backs from the Christian faith to become atheists. It is only right for the world to question our integrity. How can we speak about God’s truth and His salvation when our lives do not align with what we are saying? What is needed today are Christians who truly have a heart for God. How can we develop that kind of heart? What does it mean to have a heart after God’s own heart?
Three Constant Choices
- Inquire regularly from the Lord. (1 Samuel 23:9-11) – Our heart for God is revealed in the way we make decisions. Many people today make choices without ever considering God’s will for their lives. In other words, they live autonomously and independently from the Lord. This accounts for the many wrong decisions that even Christians make in the world. In contrast, those who have a heart for God are constantly seeking to know God’s will for their lives.
- Listen closely to your conscience. (1 Samuel 24:3-7) – To have a heart for God is to have a soft conscience. We are quick to see when we are wrong and we are humble enough to admit it. A lot of people have hardened hearts. They refuse to acknowledge their sins. It’s hard for them to repent. In contrast, those who have a heart for God are quick to acknowledge their sins and it’s not hard for them to truly repent.
- Remain flexible in your decisions. (1 Samuel 25:9-13, 22, 32-34) – A lot of people are stubborn, even though the Lord would give them opportunities to recognize their errors so that they can turn their backs from sin before it’s too late. They would persist in wrongdoing until they suffer the consequences. Even then they will not change their sinful ways. In contrast, those who have a heart for God are flexible enough to stop what they are doing or are about to do and submit themselves to God instead.
- Obedience to God reveals our true heart for God.
- Every day we have the opportunity to develop a heart for God.
- Inquire from God. Listen to your conscience. Remain flexible in your decisions.
- How are you showing or not showing a heart for God lately?
- Which of the three decisions should you be practicing from now on? Why?
- How would you apply that in a real situation right now?