Founded on the Resurrection (Message for Easter Sunday)
We are here today because of an extraordinary event that happened two thousand years ago which was reported to us by eyewitnesses as recorded in the Scriptures, especially in the book of Acts. This is no other than the resurrection of Jesus. We can believe in this testimony even though we were not there when it happened. Unfortunately, today not everyone believes in this testimony about Jesus. If you truly believe, your whole life purpose and direction will change! However, if the event did not really happen, whether we believe it or not doesn’t really matter. But just like the first converts recorded in Acts 2:41, we can believe in the resurrection of Jesus because of the following four foundational reasons.
Four Foundational Reasons
1. The timing of the testimony. (Acts 2:1-4; Acts 1:4-5) – The delay of 49 days (on the day of Pentecost) before the apostles proclaimed the resurrection of Jesus to everyone in Jerusalem seems to be unnecessary and dangerous. People may have forgotten already! No one may really care anymore. But this makes their testimony even more true and believable because that is exactly what happened. There is no natural or logical reason for the delay unless that is what really happened.
2. The persons who testified. (Acts 2:5-15) – The persons who testified, especially Peter, would not be the types of people who would announce something so controversial as the resurrection. Prior to the resurrection, they were a group of scared and doubt-ridden individuals who hid from the authorities out of fear of being arrested also or killed like their Master. Peter himself was full of shame after denying Jesus three times. The only reason why they would risk preaching in public is that they know Jesus rose again!
3. The content of their testimony. (Acts 2:22-24, 29-36) – They spoke about the resurrection but based it also on the Scriptures. It was prophesied from the very beginning and fulfilled in their time by God. God was behind everything that had happened. We can believe in their testimony also because the resurrection of Jesus aligns with everything written about Him in the word of God.
4. The effects of the testimony. (Acts 2:37-47) – Looking at the effects of their testimony, we can see that God is truly behind the resurrection of Jesus and confirms this message. In such a short time, thousands were added to them. People’s lives were changed. A new community of faith was born. Today, we see the same effects whenever people believe that Jesus rose again from the dead! The gospel truly changes lives!
1. Central Idea: “The resurrection of Jesus is the foundation of communityship.”
2. If the resurrection of Jesus did not happen, there is no reason why we should pursue communityship.
3. Next time you feel like you want to stop participating in communityship, think about the resurrection of Jesus!
1. Why is belief in the resurrection of Jesus important in our pursuit of communityship?
2. How would you know when a person is losing faith in the resurrection of Jesus?
3. How can you help one another to believe in the resurrection of Jesus?