Facing the Future with Courage
When we think about the future and all its possibilities, we can easily become afraid. The questions that cause fear usually start with “What if…” Fear is something we face every day. But it becomes overwhelming when we consider the future. Fear steals our joy and peace in the present. The command “fear not” is stated in the Bible 365 times, which, ironically, is how many days we have in a year. What do we do when faced with fears like the loss of a job, the death of a loved one, the future of our children, and sickness? We must turn to God’s word to be reminded of who God is.
Three Christmas Stories that Show Us who God is
- The Story of Joseph shows us that God is greater than our logic (Matthew 1:18-25) – It’s important to use our logic when we consider the possibilities. But logic can cause us to be afraid. That’s why we must trust God. God can guide our decisions toward the future even if it’s contrary to our logic.
- The Story of Zechariah shows that God is greater than our timetable (Luke 1:8-17) – Prayer is important. But sometimes we feel that God is too slow to answer them. This causes us to be afraid. But God is greater than our timetable. He knows when to fulfill His promises, even if it feels like it’s taking so long.
- The Story of Mary shows that God is greater than our limitations (Luke 1:26-38) – We become afraid whenever we look at ourselves. We often realize that we do not have what it takes to overcome the future. But God is greater than our limitations. With God, nothing is impossible.
- Central Idea: “God is greater than all our fears.”
- All our fears come from things that are greater than us. But God is greater than all our fears.
- When you are afraid, put your fear beside God to see which is greater.
- What makes you afraid right now?
- How can the knowledge of God’s character help you in overcoming your fears?
- What would you do to conquer your fears starting today?