Christlike Humility
- Pride is the number one reason why people are not united. Because of pride, a “me-first” mentality prevails in society, and even in the church.
- We can only be stronger together if we will prefer Christlike humility rather than a “me-first” mentality.
- Philippians 2:5-11 challenges us to be like Christ in our relationships. He exemplifies true humility, and we are to imitate Him in our lives by His grace as we relate with one another in the church in the same way.
- To be stronger together, we must prefer the same mindset as Christ showed us in His life and ministry. This mindset has three aspects.
1. SECURE IDENTITY – “I will not focus on me because I’m secure in my identity.”
5 In your relationships with one another, have the same mindset as Christ Jesus: 6 Who, being in very nature God, did not consider equality with God something to be used to his own advantage…
Only when you are secure in your identity can you pursue true humility. When you are insecure, you tend to focus more on yourself rather than on others. You tend to focus too much on your own rights and prerogatives rather than serving the needs of others. Insecurity promotes a “me-first” mentality. You want people to pay attention to your needs first because you feel you have the right to be given that priority. So, you easily get offended when people neglect you. This is coming from pride, not humility. True Christlike humility comes from a secure identity that is ready to focus on others, not on self. When we choose this, instead of a “me-first” mentality, we become stronger together.
2. SERVANT ATTITUDE – “Nothing is too beneath me because I love others.”
7 …rather, he made himself nothing by taking the very nature of a servant, being made in human likeness. 8 And being found in appearance as a man, he humbled himself by becoming obedient to death—even death on a cross!
True Christlike humility is characterized by sacrificial love. Nothing is too beneath you if it’s for the good of others. The motivation here is love coming from a true servant’s heart, just like Jesus. And, like Jesus also, those who prefer to serve others for their common good are people who are ready to do the hard thing, even sacrificing themselves, just so others may be helped. They don’t mind the inconvenience or difficulty of trying to help others because they love people from the heart. This is what true Christlike humility looks like. When we prefer this, rather than a “me-first” mentality, we become stronger together.
3. SEEKING GOD’S REWARD – “I don’t need people applauding me because my reward comes from God.”
9 Therefore God exalted him to the highest place and gave him the name that is above every name, 10 that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, 11 and every tongue acknowledge that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.
When you have true Christlike humility, you are not interested in pleasing people or asking for their applause. It’s not essential to you whether others appreciate you or not. Your desire is to honor and glorify God by serving others. Even if you are unknown, unrecognized, or unappreciated, you continue to serve others. God sees what you are doing, and you are confident that your reward will come from Him, not necessarily from people. A prideful person always craves recognition. But people with Christlike humility work silently with no need to be affirmed or noticed. When we prefer this, rather than a “me-first” mentality, we become stronger together.
Turning Point: “Only Christlike humility can overcome our ‘me-first’ mentality.”
- What are the common manifestations of a “me-first” mentality in our society today? What about in the church?
- How can we replace this with a true Christlike humility as we relate with one another?
- Choose one of your suggestions and come up with a practical application of that in the coming days. How will it look like?
Please take the time to pray for one another. This is important. Thanks!
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