Depend on His Word

If your law had not been my delight, I would have perished in my affliction. I will never forget your precepts, for by them you have preserved my life. Psalm 119:92-93

It’s depressing when you are sick or feel weak. It is as if you’re whole world is collapsing, or at least it feels that way. When your body aches, you cry out to God for deliverance. Sometimes it’s your heart that aches. Your heart may be broken because of love lost or because of unrequited love. Or your mind is confused because of so many worries or fears. Whenever you feel like the world is crumbling down upon you, where do you go for help? Let His word be your delight. Let His promises give you hope and a sense of stability. His word has the power to preserve your life and even extend it. In fact, His word sustains all of life. Why? His word actually sustains the whole world, or better yet, the whole creation. Apart from His word, the whole universe will collapse and disappear. Only His word keeps everything going. Next time you feel that the world is about to end for you, remember this: the world will not end until God says so. He will be what He needs to be in order to fulfill His word in your life. He is a covenant-keeping God, that’s why He is called Yahweh in the Old Testament. His promises are trustworthy, totally reliable. You can depend on it for your whole life. Nothing else in this world is permanent. But His word will endure forever. Rely on it completely. Don’t forget His promises. Your life depends on it.