Face the World with the Word


In a world clouded by misconceptions about life’s purpose, many, regardless of faith, chase personal gains and experiences. Even some who claim to follow Jesus share this mindset, which impacts their choices. Our genuine purpose is clear: reflecting God’s image through our lives, bringing Him glory. This sermon unveils the transformative power of aligning with this purpose. Through dedicated application of God’s word – our guidebook for righteous living – we radiate His light, illuminating our path to true glory. How can we apply God’s word in our lives and bring glory to God?

Four Ways

1. Apply God’s word in our *life* of *salvation*. (2 Timothy 3:14-15) – By allowing the word of God to permeate our hearts, we not only deepen our relationship with God but also find a guiding light that leads us to live a life deeply aligned with His divine purpose. This transformational journey enables us to navigate challenges, make decisions, and cultivate a sense of belonging that resonates with our Creator’s intentions for our lives.

2. Apply God’s word for our *process* of *transformation*. (Hebrews 4:12) – The word of God possesses the unique ability to unveil the depths of our hearts, uncovering our innermost thoughts and desires. Recognizing this, the practice of applying God’s word becomes not only crucial but pivotal for the profound transformation of our lives, reshaping our perspectives and molding us into reflections of His grace and truth.

3. Apply God’s word in our *life* *situation*. (Colossians 3:16-17) – The application of the word of God should extend its influence beyond the confines of the church, permeating every aspect of our lives. This dynamic engagement with Scripture ought to profoundly impact our actions and decisions, irrespective of the circumstances we find ourselves in, guiding us to align our choices with the divine principles laid out in the word.

4. Apply God’s word in our *ministry* *participation*. (2 Timothy 3:16-17) – The word of God is bestowed upon us not only as a source of spiritual nourishment but also as a means of equipping us to wholeheartedly serve the Lord. Through its teachings, we are empowered to actively engage in God’s transformative work within the world, effectively manifesting His love, compassion, and purpose to those we encounter.


1. Central Idea: “Facing the *world* with the word *brings* *glory* to the Lord.”

2. Applying God’s word in our lives by faith and by His grace, with the power of the Holy Spirit, will bring glory to God.

3. Discern what God is dealing with you right now and apply God’s word in that particular area of your life.


1. What hurdles have you encountered while endeavoring to apply God’s word in your daily life? How does the awareness of our purpose—to bring glory to God—serve as a motivating factor in overcoming these challenges?

2. What insights have you gained from studying God’s word, and how have you translated these insights into practical applications in your everyday life?

3. Among the four ways of integrating God’s word into our lives, which one deeply resonates with you and what aspects of it connect with your personal journey?

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