Live in Unity


“Unity in faith and love is the badge Christ gave to His disciples; it is the banner under which they are to fight life’s battles, and it is the evidence by which the world is to take knowledge of them that they have been with Jesus and have learned of Him.” – J.C. Ryle. The heart of our Savior is for Christian unity. Yet, as we see today, we confront the stark reality of disunity and division among Christians. We cannot experience spiritual revival apart from true Christian unity. The apostle Paul, in Ephesians 4:1-16, offers us a roadmap to how we can pursue this. This urgent need for unity is not new; it has persisted throughout the history of the Church. Today, let us look into God’s Word and seek answers on how to maintain unity, so that we may shine as a beacon of Christ’s love in a fractured world.

Three Truths To Remember about Unity

1. Remember that unity must be *kept*. (Ephesians 4:1-6) – We are already united because of Christ and the work of the Holy Spirit in us. But we must make every effort to keep it. It is not something that we create; it is a gift of God’s grace. Nevertheless, it can be negated by our selfish pride and lack of love for one another.

2. Remember that unity honors *diversity*. (Ephesians 4:7-13) – Unity is not against diversity. It celebrates the uniqueness of each one, for each one has a role to play based on God’s gifts and calling. We are to use those gifts to build up one another. Everyone is important; no one is to be disregarded.

3. Remember that unity is a sign of *maturity*. (Ephesians 4:14-16) – Satan wants us to be disunited. But God’s love keeps us united in Christ. When we are growing in spiritual maturity, we are able to keep our unity. But when immaturity comes into play, the unity of the church suffers.


1. Central Idea: “Apart from *unity*, we cannot maintain our *spiritual* *vitality*.”

2. Let us make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace.

3. Identify any issue of disunity and let us work together to resolve it by God’s grace as soon as possible.


1. How can we actively and intentionally contribute to maintaining unity within our local church? What are some practical steps we can take to preserve the unity that God has graciously given us?

2. How can we foster an environment in our church that not only accepts but celebrates diversity? What are some ways we can encourage and support one another in using our God-given gifts for the benefit of the entire body?

3. In what ways can we personally assess our spiritual maturity and its impact on our ability to maintain unity? What steps can we take to grow in spiritual maturity and contribute positively to the unity of our church family?

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