Feed on the Word


Daily intake of God’s word is essential for the spiritual growth of Christians. It provides guidance, teaches valuable principles, and deepens their relationship with God. Yet, many Christians neglect this vital practice. Some struggle with time management or lack understanding of its importance. Distractions, secular pressures, and negative experiences can also hinder daily Bible study. Let’s prioritize the word of God in our lives for wisdom, transformation, and a stronger faith journey. Why?

Three Important Reasons

1. It *guards* the way we think and feel. (Psalm 119:9-11, 28; Romans 12:1-2) – The word of God guards the way we think and feel. It aligns our thoughts and emotions with His truth, guarding us against wrong thoughts and negative influences. As we internalize His word, it transforms our thinking patterns and shapes our emotional responses, leading us towards a more healthy and righteous mindset.

2. It *grants* wisdom for discernment and direction in life. (Psalm 119:105; 2 Timothy 3:16-17; John 15:7-8) – The word of God grants us wisdom for discernment and direction in life. This can happen through the study of the Scriptures, prayer, and the help of the Holy Spirit. We can make wiser decisions through the guidance of God’s word.

3. It *grows* our character and relationships. (Psalm 119:73-77, 165; 1 Corinthians 13:5; John 13:35) – The word of God plays a crucial role in developing our character and enhancing our relationships. It provides invaluable guidance, moral principles, and values that shape our behavior and interactions with others. By following its teachings, we cultivate empathy, forgiveness, integrity, and love, which ultimately lead to stronger and more meaningful connections with those around us.


1. Central Idea – “To *love* the word is to *love* the Lord and others”

2. Don’t neglect the word of God in your life. Don’t treat it as a mere source of information. Always prioritize it. Learn from Jesus through it.

3. This week, start being a loyal student of Jesus through His word.


1. Why do a lot of Christians neglect the word of God in their lives?

2. What are the common hindrances to feeding on God’s word regularly?

3. What have you learned that can help you overcome these hindrances?

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