Wrestling with Love
- There is something about this pandemic that is affecting us deeply, especially in our relationships with one another.
- Whether at home, in our workplace, and even in the church, we can easily get into all kinds of irritations and conflicts.
- What is causing all of these and how can we overcome them? The Lord is calling us to live a life of love. But why is it so hard, especially now?
- Actually, it has always been difficult to love (pandemic or not), because our understanding of love is different from God’s definition. We tend to think of love as getting our needs met and not the other way around. So, our relationships tend to become wrestling matches. Who will win?
- In this new series, we want to look at the challenges of love and how we can overcome them. We want to start with the first problem: Unfulfilled Expectations.
- How do we overcome this problem? Let’s turn to Romans 13:8-10.
- Resolve all failed expectations. – “Let no debt remain outstanding…”
People will always fail us one way or the other, either intentionally or unintentionally, just as we will always fail them as well. We must seek to resolve such failures by focusing on God first, who by His grace has forgiven us of all our failures. In the same manner, we are to forgive the failures of others. We must not punish them. This does not mean that we will not find ways to resolve the issue. But we must be gracious to them just as God is gracious to us. - Focus on continuing obligations. – “…except the continuing debt to love one another…”
Our responsibility to one another is to love one another. This responsibility will not end. It must endure forever. Even if others fail in fulfilling our expectations, or vice-versa, not loving them will never be our option. In the same way, those who fail us must continue to love us still and not be angry with us because we are angry or upset with them. Just because we are hurt, does not mean that we will also hurt them back or turn away from them. - Practice loving actions. – “…for whoever loves others has fulfilled the law. The commandments, “You shall not commit adultery,” “You shall not murder,” “You shall not steal,” “You shall not covet,” and whatever other command there may be, are summed up in this one command: “Love your neighbor as yourself.” Love does no harm to a neighbor. Therefore love is the fulfillment of the law.”
To overcome undisciplined expectations, we must choose loving actions instead. We must choose not to harm but to do good. This requires spiritual practice. The fact that Paul mentions the law here means that he is thinking of the work of God in our hearts through the Holy Spirit, in order that we might be able to fulfill the law. Apart from God, we cannot love others. But, by His power, we can start practicing loving actions regardless of what others do.
- “Love is the obligation that overcomes all unfulfilled expectations.”
- Stop demanding. Start loving others.
- Are you frustrated with people who do not fulfill your needs or expectations? Resolve it. Love them still. Do good to them.
Group Discussion
- Why is it that our desires and expectations from others quickly turn into demands, which cause tensions and conflicts in our relationships?
- What have you learned today that can help you overcome that tendency?
- Which of the three reminders will you start applying this week and why?
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