Detrimental Relationships
God creates us for relationships. But not all relationships are good for us. Some of them are detrimental to our spiritual lives and can harm us or make us ineffective and unproductive. Ironically, the detrimental relationships that the Bible warns us about are not with regard to unbelievers or the people in the world. The apostle Paul says in 1 Cor 5:9-10, “I wrote to you in my letter not to associate with sexually immoral people— not at all meaning the people of this world who are immoral, or the greedy and swindlers, or idolaters. In that case, you would have to leave this world.” The Bible warns us to watch out against certain types of believers within the church that can negatively influence us.
- Bad examples (Philippians 3:17-19) – Not every Christian is devoted to following Christ. Some are undisciplined and/or careless. We must be careful not to follow their bad example. Instead, we must follow the example of those who live according to the Gospel.
- Believers who are ignorant (1 Corinthians 15:33-34) – We must understand what we believe. Don’t let those who do not know the word of God influence you. Unfortunately, when we don’t know God’s truth, we can easily be deceived by friends.
- Backsliders (1 Timothy 1:18-20) – When a person turns away from the Lord and begins to live contrary to God’s will, he or she will experience desolation. When desolation occurs, a backslider will usually look for friends to console him/her. Unfortunately, they, too, can be influenced if they are not careful.
- Bible teachers who love popularity and who teach falsely (Mark 12:38-40; 2 Peter 2:1-3) – Not all Bible teachers or preachers are trustworthy. Some have wrong motives, Others are still immature. Who we listen to influences us greatly.
- Breakers of the Christian community (Romans 16:17-18) – The spirit of divisiveness is contagious especially when the communication channels are blocked. Be the peacemaker rather than the destroyer of peace. Don’t let others influence you to take their side when you know it will only cost division.
- Main Idea: “Relationships are good but not all are beneficial.”
- Some relationships are detrimental to our spiritual lives and we must be careful.
- Ask God to give you the grace to discern and to relate with these people with wisdom.
- How do you respond to the idea that most of the detrimental relationships are actually within the church?
- How can you be more discerning and wise in relating with the five types of people?
- How would you apply this in your life?