WE is Better Than ME


The movie Cast Away tells the story of Chuck Noland, played by Tom Hanks. Chuck gets stranded alone on an island and fights to survive so he can reunite with his wife. To cope with the isolation, he befriends a volleyball he names Wilson (after the brand). He talks to Wilson, sleeps with it by his side, and even takes it with him when he tries to escape. Chuck’s relationship with Wilson shows that even in tough times, having someone by your side, even someone unconventional, is important for our well-being.

Some people try to live the Christian life on their own. This might be due to past hurts or shame that make them uncomfortable with close relationships. Others might simply believe they don’t need a community to grow closer to God. While your feelings are important, being part of a faith community is crucial for followers of Christ.

Today we will look at multiple passages in the Bible that talks about relationship and see how it is relevant to us listening now.

We will try to answer the question “Why is it important to be part of a community of faith?” or in other terms “Why WE is better than ME? For some of us, this might be a review, for PB have taught this to us over and over again, through different opportunities. But remember, God always has new insights to offer. So, let’s approach this series with open hearts and minds, ready to hear what God reveals to us personally. I hope this series will further strengthen your conviction about the importance of Communityship. For some, this message might be new to you, and that’s great! We’re excited to explore the importance of Christian community together.

Throughout this series, I hope you’ll see firsthand why having others by your side is crucial on your Christian walk. We’re diving into five reasons why “we” is better than “me” in our Christian walk. These reasons are interwoven, so we might need to unpack a few key points first. Understanding one reason will naturally shed light on the others because they’re all connected.

Why is WE better than ME

Five Reasons Why

1. We are created for relationships. Gen. 2:18

We are created for it and going against our nature will not let us experience the fullness of being human. To experience fully being human, we will need to accept the reality that we are created for it.

2. We are attracted to relationships. Acts 2:47

Since we are created for it, it is human nature for us to be attracted to relationships, regardless of how extroverted or introverted we are. We just need to be careful on which groups we are being attracted to. Not all groups that we are being attracted to are groups that can draw us closer to Jesus.

3. We are affected to relationships. 1 Corinthians 15:33

We need to be careful on whom we are going to be attracted with for we are affected by people we choose to influence us. Getting into relationships without Jesus, we will be lead away from Him by the people we choose to influence us. We have to choose people who may be imperfect, but follows Christ by His grace. Also this doesn’t mean that we cut ties with people whom does not know Christ. We need to involve ourselves in these relationships. However, we need to choose who are the people that will influence us.

4. We are commanded to pursue relationships. Ephesians 4:2

Through Paul’s writing, we are commanded by God “Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love.” There will be times that we may feel that it is easier to distance ourselves because of the pain and disappointment we may encounter as we journey together. Through this verse, we are commanded to bear with one another in love for we need each other.

5. We are matured by relationships Ephesians 4:15

Through relationships we are able to apply the thing we learn from God. Also, we learn together in hardships, pain, victory and joy. Therefore, do not give up on one another for the Lord mature us through other people’s guidance and other people needs your help as well.

1. Growth is possible if we choose to be together.

2. Be present in the following weeks as we talk more about the places of grace. Be involved. Join life groups once registration open and if you are a youth, join REMAIN, which is one of the places you can grow together.

3. Offer whatever it is that hinders you from being part of the community of faith. Go around as an declaration that we need one another.


1. What makes it difficult for people to connect with others in the community of faith?

2. Why is it important for us to be part of the community?

3. Which of the five reasons resonates most with you?

4. How did the Lord spoke to you personally?

5. How will you live out what resonated with you today?

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