Zechariah: From Doubtful to Faithful


Have you ever experienced doubt? It can be overwhelming, leaving you uncertain about your beliefs. Doubts are common, but often kept hidden for fear of being judged. Some people may even encourage our doubts and skepticism, claiming it’s better than having unwavering beliefs. However, a voice inside us urges us not to doubt. How can we deal with our doubts? The story of Zechariah in Luke 1:5-25 teaches us three encouraging truths about doubt that can help us trust in God even though we have doubts.

Three Encouraging Truths About Doubt

1. Doubt may be *present* even among those who are *faithful*. (vv. 5-10)

It is encouraging to know that even individuals who may appear faithful on the surface can also experience doubt. It is a widespread issue. We should not feel ashamed to acknowledge or discuss it, particularly within the church. This is true even for those who serve in the ministry. The church is not where individuals grappling with doubt are condemned or excluded. Instead, they should be loved and accepted. We must assist them in expressing their doubts so that collectively we can support them on their path toward genuine faith.

2. Doubt does not *hinder* God if He wants to *use* us. (vv. 11-17)

Knowing that God can still use us despite our doubts is encouraging. Doubt does not hinder God if He wants to use us according to His purpose and will. Of course, He wants us to overcome it eventually. But, in the meantime, He can still work in us and use us for His mighty work even though we are still struggling with our doubts.

3. Doubt can cause *problems* but God can help us *overcome* them. (vv. 18-25)

Indeed, doubts can temporarily cause problems in our lives, but God can eventually help us overcome them. We may experience some immediate consequences due to our doubts, but God’s intention is not to condemn us for having doubts. Instead, He wants to assist us. Ultimately, He wants us to recognize God’s goodness and faithfulness so that we can have complete trust in Him to make the impossible possible.


Turning Point: “Doubt is not a *limitation* but an *opportunity*.”

Don’t give up when you are suffering from doubts. God is working in you to make you willing and able to do His will. Persevere despite your doubts and let God make the impossible possible through you.

Next time when doubt attacks, repeat this truth statement: “Doubt is not a *limitation* but an *opportunity*.”



1. How does the story of Zechariah challenge our common perceptions about doubt being incompatible with faithfulness? In what ways can acknowledging and discussing doubts within a community of believers strengthen our collective faith journey?

2. Reflecting on the idea that God can still use us despite our doubts, how does this perspective reshape our understanding of God’s sovereignty and His ability to work through imperfect individuals? Can you share personal examples or stories where you’ve witnessed God using someone despite their doubts or uncertainties?

3. The sermon concludes with the notion that doubt is not a limitation but an opportunity. How can we practically embrace doubt as an opportunity for growth and a deeper understanding of God’s character? What practical steps or mindset shifts can we adopt to view doubt as a catalyst for spiritual development rather than a hindrance to our faith?

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